Strengthening Leaders / Transforming Teams / Advancing Inclusive Communities
How prepared are your leaders for today’s challenges?
What enables Baer & Associates to work so effectively with organizations is our extensive experience working within them. We are a team of experienced practitioners, coaches, and facilitators with over 25 years of experience in not for profit and for-profit sectors. Based on this experience, our consultants customize solutions that help you strengthen leaders, transform teams, and advance inclusive communities.
All our associates have held human resource and management positions in a variety of industries—from business to academia and the arts. Because we understand the world you live in, especially the need to balance both people and business priorities, we can confidently and quickly assess your unique challenges and tailor appropriate solutions to enable you to address them in ways that make the most sense for your team and for your organization.

Candace Baer / Principal
Baer & Associates
/ Strengthening Leaders
Successful leaders possess the skills to effectively navigate rapid and continuous change; build stronger more collaborative relationships; and enhance their ability to identify goals and achieve desired outcomes.
/ Transforming Teams
Successful leaders focus on building cohesive, highly effective, and mutually supportive teams through establishing trust, open dialogue, encouraging collaboration, and engaging in constructive conflict.
/ Advancing Inclusive Communities
Successful leaders foster a culture that celebrates differences and supports diversity; recognize the full breadth of differences among all with whom they interact; and hold themselves and other team members accountable for promoting diverse and inclusive practices.
Our process:
At Baer & Associates, we believe that for any coaching or consulting to be truly effective, it must be tailored to fit your organization’s unique and specific needs. As part of our process, we will:
Work closely with you to identify outcomes
Interview team members to gather feedback
Tailor sessions to address your needs
Facilitate interactive workshops to engage participants
Recommend follow-up actions to maintain the momentum
Provide on-going coaching and consulting to sustain the change
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou